I finally did it... Took an old PC and installed the Linux operating system on it. PC didn't cost me anything; neither did Linux. Downloaded it from www.fedoraproject.org. They and Red Hat are partners on free Linux. The graphical user interface (GUI) is very similar to XP (and the new Vista). I'll put it through the ringer over the next couple weeks and let you know if I am going to keep it. Linux is similar to Unix and can be downloaded off the net for free, or you can pay a small fee for it. I now have no excuse for not learning this OS and it capabilities and am actually looking forward to playing with it.
Huh? I'm confused?! :-)
Linux is incredible. Expect your world to be changed.
Knock yourself out. While you are playing with Linus (haha) I'll be eating pumpkin pie!
When's the next post coming along? =) I miss hearing how you're doing...
How's your Linux coming along? By now you should be onto Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Debian, CentOS or maybe the rather nicely named Fiesty Fawn!
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